#74 – Broken Records, Dodgeball at the Pro Bowl and new Splash Bros.

That One Sports Show show

Summary: <p>What a week it’s been and with the end of the year fast approaching we bring you a quick grab bag with some football and basketball. </p> <h2>Broken Record or not?</h2> <p>Donnel Pumphrey hit the books, the record books that is, but some are saying that the record doesn’t mean as much as some people think. Pumphrey, of San Diego State, finished his bowl game this past week with 6,405 total rushing yards across his career. He broke Wisconsin running back Ron Dayne’s record by 8 yards. </p> <p>Trying to minimize the greatness of this achievement, haters have been saying that because Pumphrey’s bowl game appearances count toward the total number and Ron Dayne didn’t (the NCAA did not track bowl game stats until 2002), that the record is not the true record. Nevermind that Pumphrey got the record on 161 fewer carries. In his 1,059 carries he averaged 6.075 yards, so if he had those extra carries that Dayne was afforded, Pumphrey’s total could have reached 7,411 yards, leaving Ron Dayne wayyyyy behind. Be careful how much you want to analyze this, because numbers have a way of opening up new wounds. Anyway, good for Pumphrey. </p> <h2>College Backs Sitting Out</h2> <p>Speaking of college running backs, what’s your take with players sitting out of Bowl Games? We discuss but never really come to a good conclusion. At the end of the day, while it may be selfish, the decision is the player’s decision alone. They know their body, they know their level of fitness, so they know what’s best for the future. Still sucks for the rest of the team. </p> <h2>Pro Bowl Funsies</h2> <p>The Pro Bowl is going to receive that bit of pizazz that we’ve been looking for. Skill Challenges are coming back including Precision Passing, Best Hands and DODGEBALL. This was by far my favorite gym class day so you better believe I’m going to be watching every minute of dodgeball this year. </p> <p><a href="http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/18295169/houston-rockets-rewrite-single-game-3-point-record-list">Houston Rockets and their immaculate Threes [ESPN]</a><br> <a href="http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/jags-player-on-awkward-team-flight-with-just-fired-coach-gus-bradley-that-sucked/">Gus Bradley’s awkward trip back to Florida after getting fired [CBS Sports]</a></p>