HK celebrates Dragon Boat Festival with Spectacular Boat Carnival

Cantonese show

Summary: In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the 2017 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival will take an even bigger stage at Central Harbourfront, with Hong Kongs iconic skyline as the backd... (不經不覺又到了農曆五月初五,也即是端午節。説開端午節,其實是紀念屈原的,不過到了現在,大家可能只記得粽(糉)子。不過,香港的商人生意頭腦精明,不知道他們有些什麽新花樣。想了解詳情,請聼溫楚良和陳小琴今天的中港快訊。  )