The Gospels: Priorities

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: <br> The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth<br> Priorities<br> Matthew 10:26-33; Luke 12:1-21<br> Connect with Us<br> Website -<br> Archived Messages -<br> Facebook -<br> Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on<br> Donate - Click on the “shop now” button at<br> Prep for Next Week<br> Begin studying - Watchfulness - Matthew 24:45-25:13; Luke 12:32-59<br> Pray for an opportunity to invite a friend to church or share the gospel with them<br> Follow-up Discussion Questions<br> How do we keep a proper balance over Jesus’ teaching to not have hidden areas of our lives or secrets with keep proper boundaries and being wise in relating to other people?<br> Are you keeping the gospel “secret” from those God has placed in your life relationally? How can you grow as a witness for Jesus Christ? How can we better equip you as a church?<br> In what areas do you struggle fearing people more than God? In what areas do you struggle fearing strangers and acquaintances more than those who you love?<br> Does it make a difference whether hell is eternal or not? Why or why not?<br> How do we keep a balance between believing we are safe in God’s will and being wise about our safety?<br> In what ways do we deny Jesus before others? Do you fear losing your salvation as a result of your denial?<br> How do we stay humble in the midst of being used by God to do mighty things?<br> How do enjoy “stuff” without it becoming our master?<br> How do we keep a proper balance between trusting God for the future and being wise and exercising good stewardship with our resources and providing for our families?<br>