Cross-party support for draft state laws on euthanasia

Cantonese show

Summary: Terminally ill patients aged over 25 could be able to choose to end their lives if state laws being drafted are passed.   The draft laws are receiving cross-party support and are to be introduced to the New South Wales parliament in... (新州議會一個工作小組,昨日公佈了一份草議案,針對身患絕症的 25 歲或以上成年人,日後可以選擇了結生命。這條草案實際上是安樂死法案,當然,它也有一定的限制,目前正進行公眾諮詢,看看有些什麽地方需要修訂,之後於下半年呈交新州議會作投票。詳情請聽溫楚良的報導。  )