SDH155: The Power of Your Intuition + Cycle Syncing + Past 10 Months with Amanda Boleyn

Podcast - She Did It Her Way show

Summary: Hi guys! Happy Thursday! I’m so excited to dive into today’s solocast with you. I’m sharing how incredibly powerful the female intuition is, cycle syncing and diving deeper into the past 10 months of life.  As I’ve shared in previous solocasts, the past year has been one for growth, pivoting and not feeling like myself. Up until a month and a half ago I found myself in this fog like state, I was emotionally all over, felt lost, found it a struggle to chose happiness (because it truly is a choice), found myself being envious of others, lack of motivation or desire to do anything. I stopped reading, I barely listened to podcasts and didn’t have a strong appetite for personal development. THIS was when I knew something was extremely off. I’ve always been hungry for growth and at that point I didn’t care. Some periods of time were better (and easier) than others but still I knew I wasn’t myself.  With the help of WomanCode (thanks to @leeFromamerica), it was the first book I read and it made me realize just HOW powerful our bodies are as women from leveraging the power of our intuition, cycle syncing (coordinating activities and workouts with the phases of our cycle for maximum performance) and just how important it is to stabilize our blood sugar for consistent energy.  Also, every time I record a solocast I always get a little self conscious that I’m all over the place with my thoughts so A) I’m working on getting better B) Thanks for still tuning in :) Lastly, I’m working on a project and need your help! If you have taken the LEAP, left your corporate job to pursue entrepreneurship or if the podcast has inspired you in some way, I want to hear from you!