Married to a Psychopath: An Interview with MrsXNomore

Mental Health News Radio show

Summary: We’ve interviewed clinicians, best-selling authors, and global experts on the top of narcissism, psychopathy, and sociopathology. It’s past time to share the history of survivors. Our next guest, for her own safety, agreed to be interviewed under her pseudonym to discuss her book, her advocacy, and her experiences. She is an author and survivor of abuse at the hands of her former husband. Her book has been praised by survivors and clinicians as an extremely open, honest, and detailed account of what life is like when married to a psychopath. Please welcome MrsXNomore to Mental Health News Radio. Read her full blog article HERE. Why do you use a pseudonym for your book The Secret Life of Captain X: My Life with a Psychopath Pilot? What is your understanding of psychopathy? What is the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? What causes psychopathy? What were the traits that attracted you to your ex husband Captain X? What advice did the Parental Alienation Expert give you? What are you doing now? What do you suggest listeners do if they think they might be involved with a psychopath?