Healing Our Addiction to the Narcissist: An Interview with Shahida Arabi

Mental Health News Radio show

Summary: We've enjoyed reading the Kindle Best Seller, The Smart Girl’s Guide to Self-Care by author and advocate Shahida Arabi. Her social media presence and blogs are an informative tribute empowering women of all ages and stages of recovery. Join us for in-depth conversation about healing our addiction to narcissists.  Enjoy the full blog article HERE. What is your second book on narcissistic abuse about? How will it help victims recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse and heal? How does a person become narcissistic? Why do we gravitate towards narcissists? Is there such a thing as chronic victimization - a person who can have relationships with multiple narcissists and be primed to get into yet another one? How do we prevent that pattern? Why do people stay so long in abusive relationships with narcissistic or antisocial personalities? Are victims to blame for narcissistic abuse? Is there a difference between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and another cluster B disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder? What tools can I use to detach and heal from a narcissist? Why do Narcissists come back and try to contact you even after the relationship has ended? What if the narcissist is the one who is “addicted” to something - is there a difference between a substance abuser who is emotionally abusive when using and a narcissistic abuser? What should survivors do with their experiences of narcissistic abuse?