Searching for a Safe Culture: An Interview with Shadia Duske, MA, LPC, NCC

Mental Health News Radio show

Summary: Shadia Duske's article Toxic Culture 101: Understanding the Sexualization of Women caught our interest. Objectification and sexualization  is actually escalating in our culture. The negative impact this increase is having is driving us into a state of mental illness.Read the article HERE. You recently published an article on the Ms Magazine Blog about the sexualization of women in our culture.What is your interest in feminist issues?  In your article you talk about a recent project in which you began to “document the world” around you.Can you talk more about what led you to start that project and what it looked like? When you did your research, what were some of your findings when it comes to changes in quantity and quality of sexualized images of women we are seeing? We are definitely seeing a rise in the number of images that depict women in sexualized ways. In your article you touch on the effects a culture that sexualizes and objectifies women has on men. Can you go into a little more detail about that? You talk specifically about the harmful effects of ography use on both men and women.What is so harmful about ography? You mention a term called self-objectification in your article. What exactly does that mean? You talk about Eurocentric beauty standards and how you were personally impacted growing up Middle Eastern.Can you talk more about what it was like for you personally to grow up Middle Eastern in a culture that values Eurocentric ideals? In the first part of your article you question whether you would rather be the woman who gets whistled at or the one who doesn’t.What did you mean by this? At the end of your article you bring in some hope for the future.Can you speak a little more to the possibilities for change?