The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists: An Interview with Eleanor Payson

Mental Health News Radio show

Summary: One of the classic and original books about personality disorders was written by author and counselor, Eleanor Payson. The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists was ahead of its time. Join us for an in-depth chat with Eleanor on Mental Health News Radio.  Enjoy the full blog article HERE. What did you like about the Wizard of Oz story that you titled your book after it? How do you define narcissism to someone when they ask?  What is the difference between having narcissistic traits and the narcissistic personality disorder? Can the NPD individual get better? What does it mean for the person involved with a narcissist to “lose a sense of self” in these relationships? Why is it that we might only see the deeper problem/or disorder once we are more “invested” in the relationship or significantly closer? Why do we tend to call this person “codependent,”? Could a perfectly healthy person get involved with a narcissist and experience damage to their sense of self? What kind of treatment do you recommend for individuals who are stuck in these relationships trying to heal from the fallout of a relationship with a narcissist? How can accurate knowledge about personality disorders act as a preventative measure against the negative influences of interactions with narcissists? What is involved in healing for the codependent? You also run groups for people who are healing from the challenges of involvement with severely narcissistic individuals or narcissists. How do you think these help? Do you see a more general understanding of personality disorders occurring?