The Gospels: Sign of Jonah

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: <br> The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth<br> The Sign of Jonah<br> Matthew 12:38-42; Luke 11:29-32<br>  <br> Connect with Us<br> Archived Messages - <a href=""></a><br> Facebook - <a href=""></a> <br> Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on <a href=""></a><br> Donate - Click on the “shop now” button at <br> Prep for Next Week<br> <br> Begin studying Persistent Prayer - Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-8<br> Pray for an opportunity to invite a friend to church or share the gospel with them <br> <br> Follow-up Discussion Questions<br> <br> What is the appropriate place for “signs” in the place of our Christian life?<br> Why is the order Fact - Faith - Feelings important? How can changing the order cause disaster for our Christian life?<br> How is believing in Jonah related to believing in Jesus? Why is refusing to believe that Jonah spent three days inside a great fish a problem in our Christian life?<br> Is it a help to you that God taught the pattern of “three days” and “death and resurrection” via types and pictures in the Old Testament? Why or why not?<br> Where do you believe Jesus was during the three days in the tomb? What do you believe he was doing? Why does it matter?<br> What is the appropriate response to the gospel? Do you feel that you have appropriately responded to the gospel? To the gospel’s impact on your life?<br> <br>