Jivamukti Solstice Yoga Class

Jai Prem Yoga show

Summary: Namaste' Beloved Yogis!! I am honored to offer this newly edited Jivamukti Yoga class. Brought to you live from a recorded class at Yoga Vermont's Burlington studio. Solstice is a time for letting go of old stagnation, while inviting new openness within. Enjoy. Let Loose, and Let Love Shine! *Focus of the Month: The Guru Mantra guru Brahma guru Vishnu guru devo Maheshwara, guru sak shat param brahma, tash mayi shri guruvay namaha Our creation is that Guru, the duration of our lives is that Guru, our trials, illnesses, calamties, and the death of the body is that Guru. There is a Guru near by, and a Guru that is beyond the beyond. I offer all my efforts to the Guru, the remover of darkness. (for more information about this focus of the month, please visit: http://www.jivamuktiyoga.com/fms/index.html on the left hand side of the scroll bar click “Focus of the Month”. At the top of the page click “Focus of the Month Archives”. Scroll down or click “2009″. It is the March focus: “The Guru Mantra”) **Chant Shared at the Beginning of Class: Om tryambakam yajamahe, sugandhim pushti-vardhanam urvarukam iva bandhanan mrityor muksiya mamrtat (from Shukla-Yajur Veda) We worship the supreme light, the Absolute Shiva, who has three eyes, who is fragrant and nourishes all beings. This light is the expression and communication of our life, and it is our physical, mental, and spiritual radiation and prosperity. Kindly release us from all calamities, bondage, and suffering, just as the cucumber is released from its stalk without any injury. May our minds be absorbed into Shiva, amrtam (nectar), the ocean of tranquility.