The Power of Vulnerability Revisited

This Anthro Life show

Summary: <br> This episode focuses on a conversation between Adam and Amy about a TEDtalk titled <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">The Power of Vulnerability</a> presented by <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">Brené Brown</a>. In this video, Brown breaks down the “wholehearted individual” one who has courage, social connection, compassion, and an appreciation for his/her vulnerabilities. They were unashamed to be vulnerable. They are comfortable with saying I love you first, putting an opinion piece out regardless of potential backlash, being authentic without fear. As Brown stresses, the wholehearted have ”the willingness to do something with no guarantees”.  It’s allowing for things to fall outside of your control. To accept the controllable and the chaotic aspects of life. <br> Check Out These Links To Consider Wholehearted Authenticity<br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">Audiobook:The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connection, and Courage</a><br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">Michael Jackson</a><br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">“Anthropology and Existential Turn” by Michael Jackson and Albert Piette</a> in <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">What is Existential Anthropology</a><br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">Ricardo Godoy who posts rejection letters on his door at Brandeis University</a><br> Not everyone is like this. Brown points out that many people numb themselves with things like alcohol, drugs, and food to avoid the emotions and thoughts that make them vulnerable. The issue behind numbing is that attempting to erase feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, embarrassment, and grief also numbs feelings of happiness, love, and connection, which makes people feel more vulnerable and upset continuing in a cycle of misery. <br> Brown outlines what is behind numbness: “making the uncertain certain”, only valuing the perfect, and pretending that what we do has no effect on others. These habits get in the way of leading a full happy where you feel worthy of love and that you belong. This episode of This Anthropological Life considers the multidimensionality of vulnerability and empathy including: context, biology, technology, and gender. <br> Check Out the Links Below to Build a Better Understanding of Brown’s Concepts of Vulnerability and This Anthro Life’s Takes on Empathy<br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">Video: The Power of Empathy</a><br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">This Anthro Life Episode 4: Violence and Empathy</a><br> <a href=";feed-stats-url-post-id=2214">A...</a>