There is always something new to learn: Ep. 56 - Rock Your Retirement Show

Rock Your Retirement Show show

Summary: Aimee Davis began her role as director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at San Diego State University in October 2015. She has been working as a director for SDSU for three years in the College of Extended Studies after having worked for San Diego Hospice for 9 years as a volunteer coordinator and program manager. Aimee is passionate about providing meaningful experiences through lifelong learning to students 50 and better. Through OLLI at SDSU’s vibrant and diverse learning community, Aimee works to provide about 125 new course offerings every year – from art history and music to politics and religion – there is always something new to learn!<br> This is learning for the sake of learning and is strictly for fun…<br> OLLI courses are very reasonably priced and membership is only $30 per semester for new members and $25 per semester for renewing members. Membership is not required, but there are some good benefits to having one.<br> <br> * Early registration the following semester (so you get to register before everyone else and get first dibs on seats for the most popular courses that tend to sell out quickly)<br> * Exclusive access to book clubs<br> * Plus the cost of the membership goes towards all courses, lectures, and edventures. What are edventures? These are various offsite learning events including things like a Culture and cuisine series or The Old Globe – Sense and Sensibility.<br> <br> Yes, at OLLI there is always something new to learn.<br> However, it’s more than learning. You can also volunteer. There are various committees people volunteer for. This includes the “curriculum and instructor community where volunteers give feed back and on courses and instructors. There are also opportunities to help with events and marketing.<br> Aimee says the classes build learning, connections and friendships!<br> What do you think people should know BEFORE they retire? If you haven’t already, learn to say no! Once people find out you’re retiring they start to ask for your help with all sorts of things.  It’s easy to get pulled in a lot of different directions. Here at OLLI we have lots different volunteer opportunities and our students have so much experience and talent to bring to the table. But I’m always careful to check-in with people and make sure they don’t feel any pressure to help.<br> What advice would you give to a retiree who feels stuck? Take time to learn about who you are as a person right now. What are you passionate about? What brings you joy and energy? Figure out what those things are and spend your time doing that.<br> Contact information: 619-594-2863 * *<br> Get Today’s Freebie, “Five Fabulous Reasons to never stop learning” at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">  </a>(And it includes a FREE guest pass to OLLI)<br>