episode 169 - VWORP! VWORP! AND AWAY!

MarkWHO42: The Doctor Who Radio Show show

Summary: On this episode of MarkWHO42, we say our goodbyes to the lovely and wonderful John Hurt. The gang talks about John's impact he made in our lives. His movies, his TV series, and of course as the War Doctor on Doctor Who! Then, the team interview Earl Green, writer of the episode guides VWORP! 1&2, which are episode guides to Doctor Who, its spinoffs and Big Finish. Earl is also the writer of the WARP! episode guide to Star Trek The Original and Animated Series. Both book lines will have upcoming sequels covering more Who and Trek soon. He is also currently writing a book on UKTV SciFi Telefantasy shows.  Please visit his website at thelogbook.com Oh, and don't miss out as our fearless leader, Mark himself, gets stumped for the first time on the show as Patty calls him out for getting something wrong, at least according to Earl. Plus: if you listened to this episode on Krypton Radio, you need to listen again because the podcast version has 30 extra minutes of this informative and very funny interview. So listen in, as MarkWHO42 continues to explore 2017 and boldly goes into the WHOniverse and BEYOND!