056 A Letter From The North Pole

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: This time a year, we hear a lot of stories about sending letters to Santa. But on this episode Matt reads a letter he received, this week, from the North Pole.<br> Now as far as we know, Santa doesn’t listen to Pornfree Radio. But someone does and we have the proof.<br> Your Porn Free Playbook-2016 (<a href="http://recoveredman.com/your-porn-free-playbook/">link</a>)<br> Join our new course and 2016 can be the year you go 100% porn free. I want to help. I want to work with you, because having another person walk through this with you is the only way to ditch this addiction.<br> <a href="http://recoveredman.com/your-porn-free-playbook/" target="_blank"></a>Finally, A Practical, Actionable Process for Quitting Porn<br> <br> * Build a rock solid plan that is custom to you<br> * Find the missing pieces that keep you from freedom<br> * Identify hidden triggers and roadblocks<br> * Celebrate your successes (there will be success)<br> * Discover the confidence and contentment that comes in recovery<br> * Integrate freedom habits that add fun and fulfillment to your life<br> <br> <a href="http://recoveredman.com/your-porn-free-playbook/">Learn More</a><br>  <br> Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">iTunes</a>. If you haven’t had a chance yet <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">please subscribe in iTunes</a> and leave a rating or review because that helps get the word out.<br>