071 Why Men Look at Porn

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: The nagging question after any relapse is ‘Why?” Why did I look at porn when I was committed not to? Why did I look at porn even though it’s harmful to my relationship? Why did I look at porn and put my job at risk?<br> There are two reasons that drive us to porn and they have little to do with brain science or our capacity for lust.<br> Special Announcement:<br> Hope Ray (from <a href="http://recoveredman.com/070-hope-for-partners-wives-and-girlfriends-with-hope-ray/">Episode 70</a>) returns Monday, June 6th to answer your questions about recovery and relationships. Email <a href="mailto:matt@pornfreeradio.com">matt@pornfreeradio.com</a> to ask a question. <br> Sprint Coaching Summer Special<br> <br> * <a href="http://recoveredman.com/sprint-coaching-for-porn-addiction/">1-on-1 Coaching With Matt</a><br> <br> Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">iTunes</a>. If you haven’t had a chance yet <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">please subscribe in iTunes</a> and leave a rating or review because that helps get the word out.<br>