A Girl who Gambled - Ep. 14

Psych Rally show

Summary: In Episode 14, Sandi joins Psych Rally to discuss her journey with compulsive gambling, from early childhood through recovery. From growing up at the race track, to beating all of her uncles at Poker when she was 13, to the anonymous banking blunders that prolonged her addiction, Sandi details her windy path to health and abstinence. Mentioned in Episode 14: The Holy Thief by Mark Borovitz The Craving Brain by Ronald A. Ruden California Gambling Education and Treatment Services (CalGETS) Gamblers Anonymous Clinical Psychologist Dr. Martin Hsia practices with the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Southern California in Glendale, CA. His specialties include helping people with Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and Insomnia.