SDH 124: Building Your Story with Abby Finkenauer, 3rd Youngest Woman in State Legislature

Podcast - She Did It Her Way show

Summary: Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be involved in politics? Have you wanted to get a behind the scenes look into the life of a female politician? How hard is her job, how does she find peace in the fast paced environment and how has her values shifted from when she started to now? And maybe you are even wondering how you can become involved in some way too? Today’s guest and fellow Iowan, Abby Finkenauer, is the youngest woman in the House of Representatives for Democrats. In this episode you will… Hear about Abby's life as a State Representative Uncover how to get involved in policy Know the benefits of interest groups Discover the hardest part of her job Identify how her values have shifted Learn what it's like being a young woman in a fast-paced political environment RESOURCES: She Did It Her Way Podcast She Did It Her Way Twitter She Did It Her Way Facebook Abby Finkenauer government website Abby's Twitter Abby 4 Iowa House Facebook “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz INSIGHTS: “At first, a lot of candidates would not want to have really great primary opponents because that’s scary but I really look back on it and I’m thankful for that.”-Abby Finkenauer “There’s really no typical day which I actually really appreciate.”-Abby Finkenauer “Not just fighting against things, but being able to tell the story of what we want to fight for as well.”-Abby Finkenauer “I genuinely really like people.I have a real curiosity about why someone feels the way they feel and if they’re struggling why are they struggling.” “I’m all about reading stats and research and all of that, but I think there’s something to be said about actually living it and talking to people going through it.”-Abby Finkenauer “The hardest part is when you can’t do something that you really feel in your heart that needs to be done to help people and you see the effects of what it has when you can’t get it done.”-Abby Finkenauer “I still have all the core beliefs that I came in with, there’s just other things I care about now that I didn’t know I was going to care about before.”-Abby Finkenauer “When you’re running for the first time you have your story...then you hear other people’s stories and that becomes part of your narrative. There’s just certain things you can’t unhear and certain things then become a part of who you are and what you’re fighting for.”-Abby Finkenauer “It’s really important to step back.”- Abby Finkenauer “You have to be able to remove yourself and step back; my peace comes from being able to do that.” Abby Finkenauer “Figure out what it is you care about and then go be around it.”-Abby Finkenauer “Sometimes your best is not always 100% and always the same every single day. You do your best at where you’re at.”- Abby Finkenauer “I did do this basically single and I didn’t wait to have it all together to do it... I didn’t wait until I was married and had the picket fence and had it all together.”- Abby Finkenauer “If you know it and you’re smart and you care about something, it’s important to just go do it.” -Abby Finkenauer