12/25/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson haven't been managing the destruction of our country - President Obama has. Instead of bashing the Republican candidates why doesn't the media turn their attention to the people who are destroying our institutions? The left and the Republican leadership is responsible for open borders, not building up our military and not protecting the police from an out of control President. Also, Obama has been a very successful man, not President, in what he's wanted to do. He wanted to take this country down and he has; he wanted to turn American against American and he has. The only way to stop what is going on in the country is to use Article V and call for a Convention of States. It's time to restore the legislative process. Also, Obama talks about what happened 150 years ago when slavery was ended but he won't talk about what he'll do to end slavery today. There is real life slavery in the world today and we know where they live and who they are, it's the Islamo-nazis / ISIS, and Obama does the minimal amount to confront it. Finally, the Republican establishment is prepared to lose this election if they can't get their nominee because a constitutional conservative or outsider as President is a greater threat to them than a democrat as President. They don't have contempt for Ted Cruz, Donald Trump or Ben Carson - they have contempt for us. We at the Mark Levin Show would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas!