Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Summary: Mark Levin has become one of the hottest properties in Talk radio, his top-rated show on WABC is now syndicated nationally. He is also one of the top new authors in the conservative political arena.


 1/25/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

The phrase conservative purist is an attack from the left by establishment types who support more government and ethanol subsidies. Also, we need a candidate who is going to get this nation back and not make deals with the likes of Mitch McConnell and Orrin Hatch; who is willing to undo President Obama's executive overreach and get rid of the federal agencies. Instead of wanting to undo Obama's policies, Donald Trump is pandering to the ethanol industry in Iowa. Later, it's the American people who are supposed to choose the candidate not the media. Finally, Americans need to move politicians in the direction they want them to go not to cheerlead for them.

 1/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

 1/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:58

Senator's Orrin Hatch and Richard Burr are taking a second look at Donald Trump. Why are the establishment Republicans considering him electable over Ted Cruz? The establishment is now showing its true colors by attacking Cruz and showing support for Trump. Americans should realize that this is Nixon versus Reagan. Those who say politics is about doing whatever needs to be done to get elected are the Nixon crowd. Reagan rejected this view point and used his belief system to persuade people. Trump and other candidates would do well to borrow from Reagan's conservative beliefs and principles instead of just using his lines. Also, not a single thing President Obama has done shows that he supports the private sector. He is out to milk and manipulate the free market. Walmart has to close stores because of Obama's policies and more families will suffer. Later, If Trump can talk about Ted Cruz's loans, why not ask him about his past donations to Sen. Harry Reid, previous support of amnesty or support of Syrian refuges?

 1/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

Conservatives are against crony capitalism, where statists use the power of the federal government to subsidize one industry against another. So why is Donald Trump supporting ethanol? If ethanol were a viable source of fuel the free market would have responded positively, but it hasn't, yet the government continues to push it. Ethanol is causing enormous damage to the third world and driving food prices up. Trump's support over ethanol shows the divide in the Republican Party between the Nixon Republicans and the Reagan Republicans. Also, Ted Cruz is a solid conservative constitutionalist yet Trump would have Americans believe that he is worse than Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump needs to take the high road instead of resorting to liberal and Nixonian tactics. Later, Senator Ted Cruz calls in to defend himself against Trump's comments and talk about his positions on ethanol and H-1B visas.

 1/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Donald Trump sounds like he is buying political votes by supporting ethanol. The ethanol issue is a perfect example of crony capitalism, pandering, and the environmental movement at their worst. Now, Trump wants to drive up subsidies for ethanol even higher and wants the EPA to carry out the mandates. Why would he empower the EPA to go even further than President Obama has on ethanol? Also, Ted Cruz is a straight talking guy and yet Donald Trump thinks that it shows he has a rough temperament. This doesn't mean that Ted Cruz lost his mind for calling out Mitch McConnell for being a liar, but that he has integrity. Later, the Supreme Court is taking up an appeal from the 5th Circuit who said no to Obama's unilateral amnesty. This is a dangerous move with 4 lockstep leftists on the court. Americans need to realize that what kind of Supreme Court justices are nominated is an important issue. The media and others need to take the candidates to task on what type of judges they would nominate. Gov. John Kasich has a weak record on nominating judges in Ohio and Gov. Chris Christie was even worse.

 1/18/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

The purpose of this election is to nominate a conservative who will hold fast against the bureaucracy, the courts and the media. The Democrats and President Obama have been destroying the nation and our country will be lost if a principled conservative is not elected. This is why Americans are sick and tired of other conservatives and candidates focusing on stupid issues like the birther issue and Ted Cruz not disclosing a loan. Donald Trump needs to cut out using the Saul Alinsky tactics of the left and focus on substantive issues. Trump is not politically invincible and should leave the attacks on Cruz to Mitch McConnell and the New York Times. In addition, Marco Rubio used to oppose illegal immigration and now he has completely disassembled on this. What America needs to do is secure its borders and then find those who are overstaying their visas. Finally, Mark "Oz" Geist calls in to talk about his experience during the terror attack in Benghazi and his movie 13 hours.

 1/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Sen. Ted Cruz was not trashing everyday New Yorkers when he talked about New York values. He was referring to leftist values such as gay marriage and pro-abortion that the likes of Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo support. Also, just because someone criticizes New York values doesn't mean they are trashing 9/11 responders. That argument from Donald Trump is totally irrelevant. In addition, Chris Christie is trying to run away from his record. He claims that he did not support Justice Sotomayor for Supreme Court nomination and that he didn't support common core; these are both lies. Later, the Supreme Court will never hear a birther case related to Ted Cruz's citizenship. People tried suing President Obama over this in 2008 and the cases were all dismissed because they had no standing. Law professors like Laurence Tribe commenting on this have no idea what they are talking about. Conservatives need to realize who is manipulating them and stay focused on the goal. Finally, Dan Bongino calls in to discuss his new book, The Fight: A Secret Service Agent's Inside Account of Security Failings and the Political Machine.

 1/14/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

During Thursday night's debate candidates should just be themselves, stand on their own record and not focus on the other guy. Americans should watch out for those who prefer to attack instead of talk. What do they have to have to hide? Also, It is clear now that the Bush dynasty and allies will not support Donald Trump if he is the nominee. Conservatives have won primaries fair and square and then the Republican establishment fails to support them, so we need to be watchful or they'll back the Democrat. While the establishment doesn't like Trump, they especially hate Ted Cruz because supports the Constitution and stands up to them. The left, who also is against Cruz, recently attacked him for not disclosing a loan to himself. The same NY Times that covers up for President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Americans should note that big banks and Wall Street bailouts are not the same as taking a loan out; it's common sense. Finally, climate change is a fraudulent agenda that is driven by the left and the De-growth movement, so why not bring it up in Thursday night's debate. A number of Republicans, including Chris Christie used to support climate change and have changed their tunes.

 1/13/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina sounds like Hillary Clinton. She is taking her comments from liberal and establishment types when it comes to immigration. Americans would do well to remember that we are a nation of citizens, not immigrants. A nation of immigrants who overstay their visas is a lawless one. Also, Ted Cruz is doing favorably in the polls, but the media and establishment Republicans can't accept that. Instead they resort to attacking him through a New York Times piece that tries to label him as a hypocrite. Hillary Clinton is covering up for her email scandal and was responsible for the Benghazi failure, yet the media would rather focus on the non-criminal issues of Ted Cruz. Finally, conservatives have to be careful not to let Jeb Bush or establishment types slip past them while they are bickering over unimportant issues.

 1/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Americans should forget about the State of the Union speech and not give President Obama a captive audience for his Castro like speeches. The State of our Union sucks under Obama, so why should Americans be cowed into watching it? Obama is just going to talk about how he created a paradise and how it would have been better if the opposition would just gotten out of his way. Also, Reince Priebus is a joke; he was asked about Sen. Ted Cruz's citizenship and won't even comment about it. In addition, Sen. Mitch McConnell won't have the Senate declare Cruz a citizen because he and the establishment despise him. This is the muddle put together to get rid of Cruz by the establishment and the left. This is no different from when Ronald Reagan was attacked by the establishment when he was running. The establishment will not roll over and will pour more money into Jeb Bush's campaign and attack conservatives. Conservatives must press forward with their agenda against Hillary, the left, and Republican moderates.

 1/11/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:33

It's long past time for a special prosecutor to take on Hillary Clinton over her email scandal. A special prosecutor is necessary for justice to be done. Will the Republicans in congress drop non-issues like Sen. Cruz's mother's birth certificate and start asking some relevant questions about Hillary and her long history of corruption? Also, Ted Cruz is the guy the left and establishment really hate and want to take down. The Republican establishment can't tolerate anyone outside their circle of cronyism. David Brooks' comments on Cruz having satanic tones only reinforces this. Later, liberals like Hank Johnson want Americans to roll over and take whatever the government gives them. The left wants to make Americans equally poor and don't stand for the little guy who is an American citizen. Finally Governor Greg Abbott calls in to talk about his Convention of States proposal.

 1/8/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

Ted Cruz's campaign released Cruz's mother's birth certificate. It's embarrassing that any candidate would have to prove a mother's citizenship. Why is the conservative media pushing this distraction? They are acting like a bunch of liberals engaging in deliberate misdirection with cheap tricks. If birthers want Americans to follow their logic, all the candidates should put forward birth certificates for their mothers, wives, and children. Also, Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas is making the Convention of States a legislative priority. Part of Abbott's agenda includes, prohibiting Congress from regulating activity that occurs in only one state, requiring Congress to balance its budget, and prohibit Administrative agencies from creating federal law. Some conservatives would have you believe that only part of Article V is true. All of it is true because the framers put it in the Constitution as a fire alarm should Americans need to harness an out of control government. Later, the NRA seeks to protect the 2nd amendment and educates people on firearms, so why does President Obama hate them? What's worse, being a member of an organization that encourages responsible gun ownership or a member of the Democrat Party, which is destroying America?

 1/7/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

Our conservative cause is liberty, faith and citizenship and what's being discussed today has nothing to do with any of that. The plethora of Conservative writers should be advancing conservative principles more than ever instead of chewing up other conservatives over unimportant issues, like a Ted Cruz birther issue. Unfortunately, conservative news outlets are caught up in their own quicksand while the liberal agenda marches on. No one is going to knock Ted Cruz or any other candidate out of the election because of their citizenship. Also, Marco Rubio and Mike Huckabee differ in some serious ways from conservatives but both support the Convention of States. In addition, the Convention of States is a process that Americans can use to take the country back. It may take time, but it's still there and is an effective means to overrule big government and executive power plays. Instead of listening to all the conservative naysayers Americans need to realize the facts and effectiveness of Article V. The Founding Fathers had foresight when they put Article V in the Constitution and Americans need to use it. Later, Congressman Dave Brat of Virginia's 7th District calls in to talk about his candidacy and confirms how the big government Republican machine in VA is gearing up to defeat him.

 1/6/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:22

Both Senator Ted Cruz and President Obama meet the natural born citizen test of the Constitution for the presidency. Under U.S. law a person whose mother is an American citizen at the time of their birth is a citizen at birth. Both men meet the natural born citizenship test of the Constitution. The Framers of the Constitution were concerned with loyalty and allegiance to the country not with preventing rightful Americans from claiming their citizenship. Also, it's time for Japan and South Korea to be armed with nuclear weapons so that China and North Korea can be contained. Americans should not forget that it was liberals and President Bill Clinton that allowed the North Koreans to gain nuclear weapons. Later, the House passed an Obamacare repeal bill through reconciliation. Republicans should be praised for doing the right thing and need to fight for this each and every time.

 1/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:23

President Obama is shedding tears for gun control proposals that will not protect Americans from mass shootings and terrorist attacks. Did Obama cry when Kate Steinle was killed by a repeat offender illegal immigrant in San Francisco? Did he cry after the mass murders in San Bernardino? He is on a mission against the American people and attacking the civil society through gun control and his massive amount of regulations issued. Obama persists in executive overreach, the courts mostly uphold his decisions, and the Republican Congress is doing nothing to stop him. Also, the praetorian-guard media is reporting dutifully on Obama's tears and consistently tow his and the liberal Democrat line. The media either watches Obama or promotes him. Yet, the vast majority of them do not own guns, don't understand them and could care less. Later, John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center calls in to discuss Obama's latest executive order and how Obama told him in 2008 that people should not be able to own guns.


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