48. Are your environments growing as you grow or are you stuck?

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: Most people don’t want to change their environments.  They are under the illusion that they are comfortable!  That is not true, if they dig a bit they are very uncomfortable and and not fulfilled in their life.  They are just familiar with that environment so they stay out of fear (false evidence appearing real).<br> what are you tolerating in your environments?  Look at your relationships, intimate, friendships, co-workers, networks that you are in.  Are those environments pulling you forward or zapping you of your energy.  If they are not pulling you forward.  Are you willing to take a risk and design the environments that will pull you forward and make you thrive!<br> Subscribe to my podcasts and give me a five star Rating!<br> <a href="http://thrivingatsixty.com">http://thrivingatsixty.com</a><br> Email me I would love to hear your struggles and wins.<br> <a href="mailto:Wendyb@thivingatsixty.com">Wendyb@thivingatsixty.com</a><br> KEEP THRIVING1<br> WENDY B<br>