Windows Weekly 484: Microsoft for Life!

Tech Podcasts show

Summary: Hosts: Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ, Paul Thurrott, Mary Jo Foley Microsoft rolls out update to remove 'Get Windows 10' app, a preview of Microsoft SMS Relay, this week in layoffs, the launch of the Nokia 216 phone, Microsoft changes its 'Health' fitness apps' name, Azure customers get hit with a DNS outage, the Xbox One S Minecraft Favorites Bundle, Gears of War 4 goes gold, a way to de-Apple one's iPhone, Campo Santo's Firewatch game comes to the Xbox One with an audio tour, version 1 of 'Bletchley' Azure blockchain delivered, and more! Download or subscribe to this show at Check out Paul's blog at Check out Mary Jo's blog at Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show. The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of Carl Franklin.