Responder Fitness, Ambulance Decon and Episode 458

MedicCast Audio Podcast for EMT Paramedics and EMS Students show

Summary: An innovative fitness app for all emergency responders from the fit responder Bryan Fass and a look at a better way to clean and sterilize our ambulances with Jason Thompson. If that’s what you’re looking for, you found it, right here on this week’s episode of the MedicCast.<br> <a href=""></a>The MedicCast is a proud member of the <a title="ProMed Network site" href="" target="_blank">ProMed Podcast Network</a>.<br> This episode is sponsored in part by <a href="" target="_blank"> EMS Lift Assist Devices</a> and by <a title="Med Math Book" href="" target="_blank">Med Math Simplified</a>. Check out the new book for nurses, students and other medical professionals on Amazon, or your favorite bookseller online. Get it on <a title="Amazon Med Math Simplified link" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;field-keywords=med%20math%20simplified&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;sprefix=med%20mat%2Caps%2C169&amp;tag=themediccastp-20&amp;url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&amp;linkId=PEOAZ4JTRW3TJGOA"></a>.<br> MedicCast Episode 458<br> Good day and welcome to this week’s episode of the MedicCast. I’m your host, Jamie Davis the Podmedic and I’d like to welcome you to this week’s show. We’ve got a great show for you coming up this week with a look at more from our Physio-Control podcast studio at EMS World Expo last month in Las Vegas.<br> <a href=""></a>First I have a look at a novel app for every EMS provider out there that will help you get more physically fit. It’s the <a href="" target="_blank">Fit Responder App</a> from Bryan Fass. Then, I have Jason Thompson from <a href="" target="_blank">Emergency Products and Research</a> on their novel new ambulance sterilizing mist system that could make your units cleaner than they’ve been in a long time. That’s all coming up in just a bit.<br> Find out more about safe lifting tools for EMS providers that are portable and easy to use at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br> Contact the MedicCast<br> If you want to get back in touch with me, make sure you do so. You can email me at <a title="email link" href=""></a>. Also, if you’re an android user or iPhone or iPad owner, check out the brand new free MedicCast App. Get the <a title="MedicCast Android App" href="" rel="nofollow">free MedicCast app from the Google play store</a>. Get the <a title="iOS App for the MedicCast" href="" rel="nofollow">free MedicCast EMS app for iOS</a>.<br> —–<br> Contact the MedicCast<br> Get back to me. Let me know what you think about these news items by email at <a title="email link" href=""></a> or sending a message via Facebook(<a title="Podmedic on Facebook" href=""></a>) or Twitter (<a title="Podmedic on Twitter" href=""></a>).<br> —<br> The MedicCast is a proud member of the <a title="ProMed Network site" href="" target="_blank">ProMed Podcast Network</a>.<br> —-<br> Get the Official MedicCast Free App<br> <a title="Free iPhone or iPad App" href=";offerid=146261&amp;type=3&amp;subid=0&amp;tmpid=1826&amp;" rel="nofollow"></a><br>