Read God’s Word

Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Summary: When you bake something, you need to follow the instructions carefully so it will turn out right. When I was young, I tried to make banana bread by myself. I glanced at the recipe and thought I knew what I was doing. When it was done, it tasted awful. Then I realized I had added soda pop instead of baking soda!<br> The Bible is our instruction book for life. We need to read and study it carefully and then obey it. If we do that, we will learn more about God and what He wants us to do. When we learn something from the Bible, we need to apply that to our everyday lives.<br> In our Bible Reading today, John tells us that <em>“when we obey God’s teaching, his love is truly working in us”</em> (verse 5a). When we know God’s Word and obey it, we will be able to love God more and to share that love with other people.<br> Are you reading and studying God’s Word every day? Read from the Bible today and obey what God says. Then share God’s love with people around you.