Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Summary: We are all sinners. When we decide to make Jesus our Lord and Savior, He forgives our sins and makes us pure. Then we try to follow and obey Jesus every day. When we do that, other people will see Jesus living in us.<br> I work with many people who are not Christians. I try to live so that my co-workers will see that I am different than they are. When I act differently, they ask me why I don’t do certain things or say certain words. Then I am able to tell them about Jesus and how He has changed me.<br> In our Bible Reading today, Paul lists many things that we should not do. Then he includes a list of characteristics that the Holy Spirit helps us develop in our lives. <em>“But the fruit that the Spirit produces in a person’s life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”</em> (verses 22-23a).<br> Think about your life. Do other people see Jesus living in you?