Episode 152B – Why Civil War Sucked

The Distracted Gamers show

Summary: Why Civil War Sucked. Spoiler Alert: Captain America: Civil War is one of the best superhero movies to date. This is just a little bait to get you to listen. Was it a perfect movie – no. Was it awesome – yes.<br> What’s Going On<br> Jason’s been working his way through Assassination Classroom. It is very enjoyable. The story centers around the class ranked lowest in the school and their attempts to assassinate their teacher. Their teacher is a being of immense power who has threatened to destroy the Earth, but he has a condition. Let him teach this class and he will let the kid attempt to kill him. If they succeed they save the world. He also recently started the Cosega Search. It attempts to be The DaVinci Code and fails hard. Rhett finished Bloodborne finally. He’s a completionist and so finished everything possible before finishing the game and said that may have made it easier to defeat the final bosses. He also brought up a video recently published by the Know about some <a href="https://youtu.be/U1M3XRsUN-w">stolen Kickstarter funds</a>. That is a whole can of wyrms.<br> Why Civil War Sucked<br> There are some games coming out this week, and here’s the list I made. However, we don’t dwell on it. We cut to the Captain America: Civil War spoilercast*. <br> <br> * May 17<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.homefront-game.com/">Homefront: The Revolution</a> – PC, PS4, Xbox One<br> * <a href="http://www.lifegoesongame.com/">Life Goes On: Done to Death</a> – PC, PS4<br> * <a href="https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/shadow-of-the-beast-ps4/">Shadow of the Beast</a> – PS4<br> * <a href="http://store.steampowered.com/app/425210/">Shadwen</a> – PC, PS4<br> * <a href="http://www.softbodygame.com/">Soft Body</a> – PC, PS4<br> <br> * May 18<br> <br> * <a href="http://duskers.misfits-attic.com">Duskers</a> – PC<br> <br> * May 19<br> <br> <br> * <a href="http://lastfightgame.com/en/">Lastfight</a> – PC<br> <br> <br> * – Everything you hear is going to be spoiler-laden. If you haven’t seen the movie yet you might want to come back later, or not.<br> So did we like the movie? Yes. Unlike Batman v Superman this movie did almost everything correctly. It was a fun movie to watch. Each superhero was given time to shine and to showcase their powers and abilities. The story was well written and their were no glaring plot holes.That said, were there improvements that could be made? Yes. The justification for fighting and regulating the superheroes was weak. The villain this time around was incredibly lame. The death order on Winter Soldier seemed premature and unwarranted. Should you go see this movie? Absolutely. Should you praise it like the best thing since sliced bread? No. Does it make Batman v Superman look like it is a pile of raw sewage? Yes, definitely.<br> More fodder for you anti DG Podcast dartboard.<br> <br> Let us know what you think about the topics discussed tonight by commenting on our <a href="https://twitter.com/DGPodcast" title="DG Podcast Twitter Feed" target="_blank">Twitter</a> account, comment here on blog, or go to the forum. You can also email us at <br><a href="mailto:thedistractedgamers@gmail.com" title="email the Distracted Gamers">thedistractedgamers@gmail.com</a> and support us on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/dgpodcast" title="DG Podcast Patreon page" target="_blank">Patreon</a>.<br> <br> HTML5 not supported<br> <br> <a href="http://www.sigmish.com/podcasts/DGP152B.mp3" target="_blank" title="The Distracted Gamers Podcast Episode 152B - StarBreak: A Thief's Memories">The Distracted Gamers Podcast Episode 152B – StarBreak: A Thief’s Memories</a><br>