$200,000 Dollars in Sales from 320 Square Feet. Learn the tips and tricks that grower Chris Throreau is using to crush the microgreens business. (PVP112)

Creative Destruction [Permaculture Voices] - Honest Conversations About Farming, Business, and Life show

Summary: Each episode brings you into the world of sustainable agriculture, permaculture, survival preparedness, and green living. Discover how you can implement different strategies grow healthier food, get off the grid, and become more of a producer than a consumer. Learn how to make your life more sustainable from the most influential voices in Southern California and the world such as Geoff Lawton, Michael Pollan, Joel Salatin, and Paul Wheaton. Gain practical insight and advice that you put into action today. Water harvesting, biochar, gasification, permaculture, organic gardening, soil building, food forest, nitrogen fixation, agriculture, back yard chickens, fruit trees, and more strategies to feed your stomach and your soul. The show is hosted by Diego Footer of the Permaculture Voices Conference. Some shows are co-hosted by Joey D’Elia of Tipuana Farm one of Southern California’s premier permaculture demonstration sites featuring swales, food forests, hugelkultur beds, greywater systems, rainwater catchment, and more.. For more information go to PermacultureVoices.com