Episode 128B – Death of Physical Disks

The Distracted Gamers show

Summary: The DG Podcast returns. I know it wouldn't make a great movie, but it makes a great podcast. Rhett and Jason serve up a nerdatcular feast for your auditory canals. Rhett has been allowing himself to be consumed by Total War: Attila. We even take some time to delve into history. I know, history my not be your cup of tea, but this podcast is dedicated to geekery in all forms. Jason has had the yen to play Borderlands. So, he's been playing Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel. He's also been dealing with tablets, moving data to new tablets. He also watched the first episode of Jessica Jones. He and Rhett talk about that at the end of the podcast. There are two topics on the docket tonight. The first topic comes from archive.org. They have recently released a <a href="https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary_msdos_games">large library of old MS-DOS games</a> that can be played on a browser for free. There are tons of old favorites: Scorched Earth, Maniac Mansion, Street Fighter, Wolfenstein, and so much more. The second topic comes from a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/digital-video-game-sales_5654946be4b0879a5b0c7fd6?utm_hp_ref=technology&amp;ncid=edlinkushpmg00000046&amp;te=PopSugar">Huffington Post article</a>. The numbers are in from 3rd quarter of 2015 and there is an upward trend in purchases of digital copies of games over physical copies. The article calls for the death of physical disks. Rhett and Jason admit that the trend does seem to be upward, but there really isn't a huge benefit to choosing digital over physical. If the price of digital copies drops compared to physical copies, yes you should probably get a digital copy, but otherwise if you are paying for the same price why not get a physical disk? You have the copy in case of backup needs, you know you can load the game anytime you want, you don't have to risk going over your bandwidth, etc. When they fix some of these problems and make the digital copies cheaper than the physical - then we will look at changing our preferences. No bout in the tournament tonight. We will have Mario and Mike Haggar duke it out next time. Let us know what you think about the topics discussed tonight by commenting on our <a href="https://twitter.com/DGPodcast" title="DG Podcast Twitter Feed" target="_blank">Twitter</a> account, comment here on blog, or go to the forum. You can also email us at <a href="mailto:thedistractedgamers@gmail.com" title="email the Distracted Gamers">thedistractedgamers@gmail.com</a> and support us on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/dgpodcast" title="DG Podcast Patreon page" target="_blank">Patreon</a>. HTML5 not supported <a href="http://www.sigmish.com/podcasts/DGP128B.mp3" target="_blank" title="The Distracted Gamers Podcast Episode 128B - Death of Physical Disks">The Distracted Gamers Podcast Episode 128B - Death of Physical Disks</a>