Episode 130A – A Working Death Star

The Distracted Gamers show

Summary: That's right, a working Death Star. If we had one the DG Podcast would rule the galaxy. Which is probably why we don't have one. Yes, that is the only reason we don't have one. I see you eyeballing me. What other possible reason could there be as to why we don't have a Death Star? What's Going On We start off the podcast with Jason. Rhett's in charge and so he was the one who decide who went first. Jason has been playing Knights of the Old Republic and Destiny. He's also been watching Eureka Seven: AO, the sequel to Eureka Seven. Rhett hasn't actually been playing much on his Xbone since he got it. It came to his house, but in the midst of updating the thing and installing the games he bought his sister was the first one to play it. There were some disappointments, but this is the Xbone. It was a huge disappointment on initial release. He also got a new phone from his mom, in a round-about way, and complained about 1st world problems. Sorry, Chance totally flaked on us this week and we didn't get anything from him. We could beat him with a stick, but we don't want to get up and walk to Arkansas. The News Dump The geektacular news dump for this week: * <a href="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1151748" target="_blank">Steam Leak</a> * <a href="http://gamepolitics.com/2015/12/07/minecraft-confirmed-for-wii-u-coming-dec-17/" target="_blank">Minecraft coming to Nintendo</a> * <a href="http://www.pcgamer.com/star-wars-1313-may-not-be-completely-dead-after-all/?utm_source=zergnet.com&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=zergnet_807383" target="_blank">Star Wars 1313 May not be dead</a> * <a href="http://gamepolitics.com/2015/12/07/twitter-reveals-most-popular-trends-of-2015/" target="_blank">Twitter trends</a> * <a href="http://steamed.kotaku.com/valve-says-77-000-steam-accounts-get-hijacked-per-month-1747361623" target="_blank">You’re being hijacked</a> * <a href="http://kotaku.com/konamis-treatment-of-kojima-is-bad-business-says-forme-1747045420" target="_blank">Square Exec says things</a> * <a href="http://kotaku.com/eve-onlines-ship-browser-is-no-longer-called-isis-1746947152" target="_blank">EVE Online and ISIS</a> * <a href="http://kotaku.com/the-state-of-the-xbox-one-in-2015-1747108255" target="_blank">State of Xbox One</a> * <a href="http://kotaku.com/the-state-of-the-ps4-in-2015-1746913059" target="_blank">State of PS4</a> * <a href="http://www.cvawards.ca/cva-2015/canadian-videogame-awards-announce-2015-winners/" target="_blank">Canada likes video games</a> * <a href="http://gamepolitics.com/2015/12/07/steam-adds-option-to-permanently-delete-games/" target="_blank">Delete your games</a> * <a href="http://gamepolitics.com/2015/12/10/youtube-reveals-the-top-ten-most-popular-gaming-videos-of-2015/" target="_blank">Most popular Youtube games of 2015</a> * <a href="http://www.gamespot.com/articles/final-fantasy-7-remake-releasing-as-a-multi-part-s/1100-6432870/?utm_source=daily_updates_registered&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=Final+Fantasy+VII" target="_blank">Final Fantasy 7 Remake News</a> And just so you know, this episode has nothing to do with the Death Star. I'm sure there's more Rhett and Jason watched the new TMNT trailer and were mostly unimpressed. We may have talk about that as well. I'm lazy what do you want from me? Let us know what you think about the topics discussed tonight by commenting on our <a href="https://twitter.com/DGPodcast" title="DG Podcast Twitter Feed" target="_blank">Twitter</a> account, comment here on blog, or go to the forum. You can also email us at <a href="mailto:thedistractedgamers@gmail.com" title="email the Distracted Gamers">thedistractedgamers@gmail.com</a> and support us on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/dgpodcast" title="DG Podcast Patreon page" target="_blank">Patreon</a>. HTML5 not supported <a href="http://www.sigmish.com/podcasts/DGP130A.mp3" target="_blank" title="The Distracted Gamers Podcast Episode 130A">T...</a>