Shadow Games

Audiophile show

Summary: I see the shadow games you’re playing Letting me shine, staying in the background Just hoping and praying I stumble So you can “learn” from my mistakes then slide in for victory Slick, you are But I ask you this, what if your plan doesn’t work? What if I win? What if I keep going, if I get up right away when I fall, if I take it all in stride? What then? What of your game at that point? I know then you’ll move on to another game where you tell me how “down” for the cause you were all along, how you were right behind me pushing Helping me get here That’s what you’ll say But I know better, shadows don’t fool me because my whole life has been a shadow I’ve let the massive scope of my dreams block out my environment and my will Trembling, I too have been grateful to my shadow for the cool protection from the sun Now I know better, now I will do better As I move towards the light, I see you back there in the shadow but trust, my dear “friend” shadows don’t benefit anyone not even a too-smart-for-his-own-good possum like you You can do better, just like I can Don’t trail behind, walk next to me so that if I trip, or if you trip, we have a crutch to keep us up Erect and awake Far away from the shadows