The Great Equalizer

Audiophile show

Summary: What happens when we realize that our goals are much bigger than we imagined? How will we ever get up there if we’re all the way down here? The answer comes in one word: help. Learn that it's ok to accept help. Divine help, or human help. We've earned it. Dont be stubborn and think it’s cheating, or that it lessens the accomplishment I struggle with it. But then I’ve come to realize: Nothing happens without help and action. You need both, because they are two sides of one glorious unit: change that needs to happen and will happen, whether through you or through someone else. When you’ve hit that wall and helping hands come offering a lift, just be happy you were the chosen one, and don’t let your chance slip by. Your accomplishments aren’t diminished with help, because fact is, everyone who made it caught some lucky breaks somewhere. Don’t feel guilty about something going your way. Where would Neo be without Morpheus? Or the three kings without the north star. Think of your parents and how they too accepted help long ago. Think of any success story, real or make-believe, and notice that there is always help from a third party that swoops in to make it all come together. Your story should be, and will be, no different. Feeling guilty for this help or refusing help is the worst thing you could do.That's the thinking of someone who's broken, who's beaten. You've gone through hardships, but you're not broken. Don’t apologize for the gift of help, instead, use that as motivation to live up to the generosity, and know that you will pay it forward later when you have the opportunity. Because that's really what divine help is, someone paying a favor forward that they received earlier, don’t rob them of the chance to bring karma full circle. Accept the favor graciously and proceed boldly knowing that this is all happening for a reason. The great equalizer in our goals that were once much-too-big.