An Adventure

Audiophile show

Summary: It’s all one big movie, an adventure movie. The aim is to live it like heroes. There will always be one scene with the hero at the mercy of the villain, the same scene we’ve all lived through at one point or another: at the mercy of circumstances, at the mercy of our inner demons, of our own mistakes and shortcomings, at the mercy of our thoughts. But the hero isn’t defined by whether they defeat the villain or not, the hero is the person who motivates others to keep fighting. The hero guarantees that life continues for others even after the credits roll. You took a risk by leaving the life that was imposed upon you, so that you could nurture your talents, you pursued the call to adventure which is our duty to answer. For that, you are honorable. I just wish you would’ve stuck around living moment by moment, even if the past or the future were too tough to face. I don’t have all the answers, I don’t have a solution. I just implore everyone to keep the adventure going, some things will turn out, some won’t. Just know, this too shall pass. I know no better way to get back at your circumstances than to live life in its entirety and at its full width. Breathe. Live. Remember: This too shall pass. For Faigy, a hero.