Living a Full Life After Surviving Cancer with Breast Cancer Survivor Debbie Woodburry

Holistic Health Women's Podcasts and Radio show

Summary: Debbie Woodbury, a Breast Cancer Survivor and founder of joins holistic health talk for women radio host Irina Wardas on Thursday, October 13th at 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET LIVE Listen: Women’s Radio Show and Podcast Topic: Where to Go After Surviving Breast Cancer -, an interactive online community supporting and connecting breast cancer survivors to live full lives beyond cancer. Live,  health talk for women radio and  podcast streams from the host page Debbie Woodbury is the founder of, an interactive online community for breast cancer survivors sharing the gifts and losses of lives lived beyond cancer.  After five months of mammograms, stereotactic and surgical biopsies, tests and doctor visits, Debbie Woodbury was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of 2009.  A mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries followed. It was after the surgeries that Debbie was hit the hardest with the truth about breast cancer: it’s never over for the survivor. Like so many survivors, Debbie found that, once treatment was complete, support systems can evaporate and family and friends want to return to “normal.” It was a very lonely time, because, once breast cancer changes you forever, there is no going back to “normal” for the survivor.   By actively seeking out support and “doing the work” of oncology therapy, Debbie slowly healed, physically and emotionally. A major breakthrough in her healing came the day she sat down and wrote her Gifts and Losses List. Debbie is now a breast cancer survivor, blogger, speaker and advocate. Because support and community were vital to her healing, and still so important today, she created  An interactive community for all breast cancer survivors, is a safe, caring and supportive place to come together to talk about lives lived beyond cancer.   The heart of is Debbie’s Gifts and Losses List, her blog and the supportive interactions between her and her many readers. Every day, and the community it supports proves again and again that  “Survival is Greater Than Existence.” Callers are welcome to join the conversation:  (347)-857-4862 Suggested Women Radio and Podcast Interview Questions: What about your journey as a breast cancer survivor led you to create Who is for and how do you hope your community benefits from it? How did you come to create your Gifts & Losses list? How did your Gifts & Losses List help you heal from your breast cancer treatments? What issues do you talk about in your blog? How can I become a member of How can I add my own Gifts & Losses to the site? What advice would you give other women struggling to heal from their breast cancer experience? Looking forward to your questions (347)-857-4862 Let us breathe, smile and dance at the end of the show together.