Mind – Body – Spirit Approach for Breast Health with Dr. Linda Brown

Holistic Health Women's Podcasts and Radio show

Summary: Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Linda Brown joins holistic health talk for women radio host Irina Wardas on Wednesday, October 19th at 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET LIVE Listen: Health Talk for Women Radio and Podcast  Topic: Mind - Body - Spirit Approach for Breast Health with Dr. Linda Brown Live,  health talk for women radio and  podcast streams from the host page Linda L. Brown, B.A., ND, CBP, RhA is a Naturopathic Doctor practising for the last 10 years in Woodbridge, ON.  She has an eclectic practice, focusing on allergy elimination, food sensitivity testing, BodyTalk, Emotional Freedom Technique, and the Soul-Mind-Body connection.  Throughout her life, she has studied extensively with teachers, masters and native elders throughout the world. In addition, she has worked collaboratively with volunteer organization Natural Doctors International (NDI), leading and teaching interns in a rural community in Nicaragua, providing Naturopathic treatment to the local population.  Over the years, Dr. Linda has given a variety of public and corporate talks, written numerous newspaper and magazine articles, and appeared on local and national television.  She is a member of both the Canadian and Ontario Associations of Naturopathic Doctors. Dr. Linda Brown, ND has been in private practice for 10 years.  3 ½ years ago, she was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductal breast cancer, which is a very aggressive form of the disease.  Against the advice of her doctors, she chose to keep her breast and have a lumpectomy, but refused chemo and radiation treatments.  She has been thriving with a regimen of holistic treatments ever since. Callers are welcome to join the conversation:  (347)-857-4862 Suggested Health Podcast and Women Radio  Interview Questions: How did you discover that you had breast cancer? What was your course of action when you were faced with the diagnosis?  What has your experience been with the medical profession?  Tell me about some of the therapies you’ve been using as part of your treatment plan?  What have you learned about people and attitudes about breast cancer? What has breast cancer taught you? Any suggestions for others who may be facing a diagnosis of breast cancer? Looking forward to your questions (347)-857-4862 Let us breathe, smile and dance at the end of the show together.