Paleo Diet and Beyond as an Anti-Aging Remedy with Author Nora Gedgaudas

Holistic Health Women's Podcasts and Radio show

Summary: Author  Nora Gedgaudas joins women’s holistic health talk radio host Irina Wardas on Wednesday, December 7th at 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET LIVE Listen: Health Talk for Women’s Podcasts and Radio Show Topic: Paleo Diet and Beyond for a Longer a Happier Life; Primal Body and Mind for Total Health.  Live, health talk for women radio and podcast streams from the host page Nora Gedgaudas is Board-certified in Holistic Nutrition® through the National Association of Nutritional Professionals (NANP) and is recognized by the Nutritional Therapy Association as a Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT).  She is also a board certified clinical Neurofeedback specialist (CNS). She has appeared internationally as a featured guest on national radio and television, including Coast To Coast with George Noory and Sydney Australia's top televised morning program, The Today Show. She was host of her own top rated radio program on Voice America Radio’s “Health and Wellness” channel and her Primal Body Primal Mind Radio podcasts are now available on iTunes! Nora’s ground breaking book, Primal Body, Primal Mind currently ranks near the top of all health-related books on Amazon. Nora served as a trainer for the State of Washington Institute of Mental Health, illuminating nutrition’s impact on mental health for State health care workers at all levels. Nora has given numerous talks nationally and internationally, including the Weston A. Price Foundation's Wise Traditions conference in Philadelphia and she also recently completed a hugely successful three city speaking tour in Australia. In Brisbane, Australia Nora was also filmed for an upcoming major documentary on aging and longevity starring Mariel Hemingway, also featuring other speakers such as Bruce Lipton and John DiMartini.  She was recently a featured presenter at The First Annual Ancestral Health Symposium at UCLA—billed as “the Woodstock of evolutionary medicine”.  She maintains a successful private neurofeedback and nutritional consultation practice in Portland, Oregon. Callers are welcome to join the conversation: (347)-857-4862 Suggested Women Radio and Podcast Interview Questions: What is the Paleo diet and why do you say "Beyond the Paleo Diet..."? What are some of the myths you expose in your book? What would you say is the single most damaging food you can eat? Your book talk a lot about longevity...How does your dietary approach address that? How does your book differ from the Atkins diet? What does your dietary approach consist of? What do you eat? Looking forward to your questions (347)-857-4862 Let us breathe, smile and dance at the end of the show together.