How to Stay Connected with Deceased Loved Ones

The Spiritual Peak Center show

Summary:   Fascinating doubt.  From hallow heavens to spirit using numerous methods to communicate with us, today's show may just open your mind to new possibilities when it comes to your deceased loved ones or just about "the other side" in general.  Have you lost someone close to you?  Do you feel lost yourself without him/her?  Or do you feel like there is a hole inside of you? Maybe you don't feel this deep of despair, but you really, really miss your friend, lover, child, pet, etc.? What if there was a way that you could stay connected with them?  Ah, perhaps you are already aware of this possibility.  Either way, Roberta Grimes shares wonderful insight from her book, The Fun of Staying in Touch: How our loved ones contact us and how we can contact them. Click to get your copy. We had a great conversation.  For those who don't believe or doubt in what many call an afterlife Roberta helps share wisdom from years of research to debunk the theory that you just vanish - kapoof - when you die. Attorney and afterlife expert, Roberta Grimes, illuminates what for some can be a difficult topic, but one that we must increasingly face as the boomer population ages.  For those, who worry about dying or losing a loved one, and those who fret about the death of a pet, Robert brings her passion for the subject and 40 years of scholarly in-depth study to deliver concrete answers to your questions. Learn more at Honoring all, Drs. Rob + Janelle Alex, Ph.D.     There are as many paths to enlightenment as there are souls.  A Buddhist perspective that we highly agree with.