The Real State of Our Union ( Jan. 26 – Feb. 1, 2015)

The Christian Worldview Radio Program show

Summary: What makes a strong nation?  This is David Wheaton with The Christian Worldview Radio Program. In his State of the Union address last week, President Obama opened by saying, “The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.” But is that really the case?  A nation may have wealth and military might, but what if the foundation of society—the God-designed family, with a father and a mother raising children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord—is becoming increasingly rare? If a nation’s strength is defined by the health of its families, our country is in trouble.  And the first step is to examine ourselves to make sure our hearts, lives, and families are right before the Lord. Hear an interview about the real state of our union at This weekend, Franklin Graham will be our guest on the program.