Mortdecai, Tusk, and other stuff! – Intermission 63

Intermission Podcast show

Summary: King of the Nerds Season 3 Episode 1 Review Go team Hoovooloo! (AKA Team Lily) Liked the new format which features a fictional sub plot Really interested in seeing what direction they take with the time travel piece Watch for free on iTunes, We agree that Ory isn't going to last long, due to his comments about women.... Why must all reality shows turn into men vs women? King of the Nerds progress graph on Wikipedia Listen to our interview with Lily from King of the Nerds Mortdecai Watched at the Silver Screen VII which now has Coca-Cola Freestyle fountains! Corey screwed up and got lime water Pepsi's version, the Pepsi Touch Tower One of Depp's best characters in a while Had a Pink Panther/Sherlock Holmes feel to it Could have been a PG-13 movie if they wanted it to be, just one or two F-words away from being PG-13 Tusk Takes a special type of person to watch it Very odd, very different One of Kevin Smith's weirder films Funny, gorey and just weird Johnny Depp has an interesting role If you're curious about watching it, and you're a little weird, you might just like it American Sniper Corey and Guy finally get on board with the rest of the team For those of you interested, we already had this discussion last week. Way to go Guy. Could it be Bradly Cooper's best role of his career? Hot Tub Time Machine 2 Trailer Should movies premier on-demand instead of theatrical releases? The Interview is now on Netflix The Voices to be released straight to on-demand The Voices Trailer