MLM or Start from Scratch? Pros & Cons for the Start Up to Consider.

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Summary: Whatever your passion or interest, chances are, there is an MLM for that.  When it comes to creating an income stream in an area you enjoy, the start from scratch is the default go-to for many; yet, more and more Network Marketing opportunities exist in the space you want to be in, ready with your affordable, turn-key, ready-to-go biz in a box. Considering I have been in both and have observed team-mates and friends do the same, I will share MY OBSERVATIONS regarding what I see are the Pros and Cons for the start-up to consider when deciding on an approach. This can get intense because both models tend to have strong opinion of the other, and because no one wants to feel 'wrong' about the choice they made, they defend it strongly and will often take your negative comments personally. I will try hard to be as neutral as possible on this, not because I do not have a preference, but because you do, and I want to create that conversation in your head, and with your peers so you walk away confirming your position, or questioning the heck out of it. I hope you will consider adding your comments below in the comment area if you miss the opportunity to call it in live.