Appreciating Every Phase of the Journey

Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction show

Summary: Nonphysical energy vortices are constantly on a journey toward manifestation.  When we have a desire and it is still nonphysical, we call it unfulfilled.  When the energy of the desire has found its way into form, we call that a manifestation.<br> In the process of inner alignment  you discover a wealth of appreciation for every phase of the journey.  You love the unfulfilled desire and you love the manifestation.  This generates a field of joy and a flow in life that you can count on.<br> Develop your inner alignment on your own with the book <a href="" target="_blank">Rooted in the Infinite</a>.<br> You can also join the <a href="" target="_blank">YOFA jhe Sessions</a> and receive 8 remote inner alignment session each month.<br>