Pod #153: Being Comfortable In Your Own Skin (w/ Tap-Along Audio & Script)

EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques show

Summary: When I look at the work that I have done on myself since I discovered tapping I can distill almost every issue down to one thing. Being comfortable inside my own skin. When I am comfortable inside my own skin I am more likely to follow inspiration, I am more likely act with confidence, and I am more likely to see situations as they truly are. If any of those things are true at the time of action I will be much happier with outcome. When all three are true, amazing things happen. In this short audio I explore the importance of being comfortable inside our own skin and provide a short tap-along to nurture this sense. Let me know your thoughts on this idea below. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes There is a part of me…That wants the people around me…To love me…To appreciate me…To accept me…To see me as good…Because as a human being…I am communal…I am connected to others…It’s part of my nature…It’s part of who I am…It’s part of who I will always be…So it makes sense…That that there is a part of me…That is thinking about what others think…That is concerned about how they see me…But I recognize the fact…What is most important…Is the way I see myself…Because at the end of it all…At the end of each moment…At the end of each day…At the end of my life…The only person…Who is completely connected to my choices is me…Therefore I need to be comfortable with me…I need to be comfortable with my choices…I need to be comfortable with the way I see myself…When I see myself as good…When I see myself as worthy…I become comfortable inside of me…I am home inside of me…That doesn’t mean I’m perfect…That doesn’t mean I always get it right…That doesn’t mean I make the best choice in every circumstance…But it means in the moment…Because I’m only concerned with…The way I value myself…And not how others value me…I put myself into the position…That allows me to be successful…That allows me to be safe…That allows me to be truly me each day…I give myself permission…To work towards…Being comfortable in my own skin…To work towards loving myself…Because if I am capable of doing that…Then I will be able to handle whatever comes…With grace…With strength…And become who I am supposed to be…I give myself permission…Every single day…To be a little more comfortable…Inside of my own skin.