Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Summary: Our Bible Reading for today is a praise song written by King David. David wrote many psalms about his experiences in life. In verse 4a he said, <em>“Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave, I will not be afraid of any danger, because you are with me.”</em><br> David may have been talking about a time when he actually walked through a dark valley. Or he may have been thinking about times he faced problems. Maybe David remembered how he felt when he killed a lion or faced the giant, Goliath. David knew that he did not need to be afraid. Why? Because he knew that God was with him.<br> Probably you will never need to kill a lion or fight a giant man. But you will face hard times in life like sickness, financial problems, family problems or death. When these happen, you need to depend on God like David did.<br> Are you facing problems today? Ask God to help you as you <em>“walk through a valley as dark as the grave.”</em>