White Murder Interview Podcast

Razorcake Podcast Feed show

Summary: Listen here: WHITE MURDER INTERVIEW MP3 Raw power in all forms has the potential for abuse. Sexuality is powerful. Live, White Murder's sexuality fills the room as real as any body. Both genders. Hannah and Mary are the obvious ones, stalking the room, jumping around, pushing into and over one another, dancing, screaming, staring, and confronting as microphone cords snake behind. Reuben, Mike, and Paul—although more rooted in space—blast and sweat and steam and pound. This would be purely academic if White Murder were merely a show, if their music didn't back the juice and strut. Think blistering, unhinged O-fucking-hio-based anxiety punk—The Chargers Street Gang, This Moment In Black History, Pere Ubu, We March. Think Emma Goldman and Le Tigre where body ownership means that fucking's always a two-way street—that your body is your temple and it's your duty to not only defend it, but to call out those who don't respect it. Lastly, let's not forget that sexuality can often be fun, goofy, warm, considerate, and caring. It's one part of a much more complex system of what it is to be human regardless what's between your legs or on your chest. That's not a bad headspace to think about when a band starts playing or spins around on a record player. Here's to White Murder, a powerful L.A.-are band carrying on exciting dialogues, dripping with tension. Interview by Todd Taylor and Noah Wolf To download the file to your computer, right click the link below and select "save target as..." It's a hefty file, so it may take some time to download to your computer. To play the file without downloading (it depends on your computer's configuration for playing music files), just click it. Your media player should recognize what to do with an mp3. (If it doesn't, you're on your own.) WHITE MURDER INTERVIEW MP3 If you have any problems or helpful suggestions you can contact us through the website here. In the subject put “Podcast.” Hope you enjoy listening. The issue this interview was originally featured in can be found here: http://www.razorcake.org/store/razorcake-76 Pick up their debut LP released by Recess and Razorcake here: http://www.razorcake.org/store/white-murder-self-titled-lp