Self Publishing Podcast 116 – What We’d Do If We Were Just Starting Out

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This week we focused on what a new author can do to build a booming indie publishing business. So many of our listeners are just starting out, and they’re either working on their first book now or have one or two books out already. So what can someone do in that situation? We went through a few key issues that might be on your mind right now like: Should I start a blog? And what should I blog about? Should I write a full novel or focus on shorter books? Should I break in with a series or release a standalone title first? What should I do if I’ve written a Bialy-Pimps-style book? (A massive standalone that leads to nothing else.) Should I go with KDP Select or Launch Wide? As always, it’s good to remember that we don’t really give advice on this show. But we did try to put ourselves in the shoes of a starting author and speculate on what we’d do. For sure, the most important thing we realized was the importance of thinking long term when making business decisions. If you do that, you’re future self will love you! Oh, and here’s the video of Garrett’s we mentioned. It’s HIL-AR-I-OUS. Watch the video version here: