Breadwinners: Money and Your Happiness. The More the Merrier?

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Summary: Does it take money to make you happy?  Can you be happy without it?  And if you do need money to be happy, how much money would that be? Yesterday my  82 year old father in law came to the end of his life.  My 21 year old Stanford graduate is about to start his.  Money has been a huge part of these life phases and in each case, happiness levels seem to be challenged as a result. On the day following my father-in-law's passing, I considered not doing a show today, but here I am, because the talk about money at the end of, and the start of life has been so urgent, so emotion filled and I know that my family is not the only one having these discussions and I just wanted to share some thoughts with you as you consider the impact of money on your happiness, regardless of your phase in life. In so many ways, our happiness meter is dependent on money.  This is a discussion of this fact and what the Bible says, not so much about money, and more about our happiness or contentment with our life and money. Please join me.