SPP 104 – Lessons Learned at SPP’s 2-Year Mark (and the Fiction Unboxed Launch!)

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: We spent a bit of time at the beginning of this show glorying in the stupendous rallying of the SPP community during the day's debut of Fiction Unboxed. We tried not to beat the whole thing to death, but suffice to say that the project funded fully after only about 11 hours. YOU made that happen! Thank you! As of the time I write this update, our current stretch goal is this: Thanks to the fantastic support of the folks at Literature & Latte, if Fiction Unboxed's funding reaches $35,000, every single backer at the $89 level or higher will receive a copy of Scrivener writing software for free! HOW AMAZING IS THAT? Remember, the more the project funds, the more EVERY BACKER WINS. We have some absolutely amazing further stretch goals planned, so please… go out and tell your friends! Tweeting and Facebook are great ways to spread the word, but personal recommendations -- via email, on your blog, etc. -- are even better. (Oh, and if you haven't done it yet, please head on over and sign up for our Thunderclap. That'll help spread the word… but if our "Thunderclap" goes off, we're eager to share the results with you for your own use.) We spent the rest of the show talking through what's changed for us since we started the podcast two full years ago. What have we done that works? What have we done that didn't work? We made some good moves and some bad ones, but we're always pushing and trying new things. And of course, we always report it all back to you! HAPPY 2-YEAR ANNIVERSARY, SELF PUBLISHING PODCAST!! View the video version here: SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.