SPP 109 – Cover Design With Author and Artist Jason Gurley

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Today we had on someone for whom we all have a serious professional boner, Jason Gurley. These days, Jason is working hard on his writing (his new book Eleanor is available for pre-order now), but we've salivated over his book cover designs for a while now. Alas, he's stopped taking commissions just in time for us to miss out. Bummer! But we got the next best thing: we got Jason on the show to talk about what you can do yourself in terms of covers, what makes a good cover, and what you need to keep in mind when hiring a cover artist. This was a great show, and it gave Dave an inferiority complex. Learn something and give Dave a heart attack… what's not to love? View the video version here: SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.