August 27th 2012: Lesley Mitchell-Clarke

Whispers Paranormal Radio: Interviews, News and Fun in the World of Ghosts, UFOs and All Things Weird show

Summary: Tonight Whispers welcomed Lesley Mitchell-Clarke to the show Lesley is a licensed Hypnotherapist, that therapeutically regress clients to experiences from their past lives – always with the purpose of emotional, spiritual healing and enlightenment. She also works with clients who feel that they have been “abducted” by alien beings. They generally have had numerous episodes of “missing time” throughout their lives, as well as fragmented memories, in addition to a wide range of physical anomolies. Lesley is currently writing a book with one of her clients about this subject matter. He is a multiple abductee/interfacer/communicator. Her website is She is also one of the founders of Contact Group International (CGI), which is all about dispelling fear and exploring the “Contact” phenomena. She also hosts a UFOlogy based weekly show on BlogTalkRadio called “Contact”. Give us a High Five!High Five!Random Fan(24)