021: Rock Bottom

Audiophile show

Summary: Splat! Face down, bruised up, left for dead Right where you never expected to be. The fall just a blur by now but the reasons clear as day. Hubris, huge ego, self-centeredness Whatever you call it that was just the tip of the iceberg. You saw it coming but hoped prayer could save you, Hoped drastic measures weren’t necessary, Dissed the blue collar hoping for the white. Point is, there’s nothing sexy about stumbling all the way down. But while you’re here know one thing: Rock-bottom is a great place to start building. The distance dropped now irrelevant since it was effortless for you. Planning can help but good old sweat is the silver bullet. Shoot to the top or shoot back to the middle, but just shoot. The destiny you envisioned can still be attained But no one said the journey would stay the same.