022: One Destination

Audiophile show

Summary: Let life happen and what happens will be destiny. A Gladwellian outlier lies in all of us But the lay of the land does not lie. The variables are too many, our environment too strong For an individual to control what fate already has in mind. You can go left trying to avoid the upcoming swamp, But then usually you’ll notice a few rights are needed To continue moving forward in the fight. And four rights later you’re back on the original path, The dreaded swamp now not so scary since you have no choice. What serves you best now is to make yourself light In preparation for the journey and the fight. In doing so you leave all that’s extra. And what’s extra? The monkey on your back in the form of worry, A tool as useless as a gun with no bullets Help destiny with actions not with thought, Actions are the fuel, thoughts are the built-up residue in your engine That drag you down and can cripple you if untamed. The destination is ahead, at what time does the train arrive?